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  • Writer's pictureBob Benenson

Liberty Prairie Non-Profit to Cut Ribbon on Living Laboratory

October 5 Event to Take Place at Prairie Crossing Farm in suburban Grayslake

Liberty Prairie, a non-profit organization based in the north Chicago suburb of Grayslake, is focused on building a better food system. It prioritizes educating young people about farming in general and regenerative agriculture in particular, and working with other entities in Lake County to build a more localized and sustainable food system. 

To further its mission, Liberty Prairie has created an outdoor classroom called the Living Laboratory, and has scheduled a ribbon-cutting celebration on Saturday, October 5.

The facility is located on Prairie Crossing Farm at 550 Harris Rd. in Grayslake. Jeff and Jen Miller, a married couple, formerly cultivated the land as Prairie Wind Family Farm. Last year, they merged with what had long been known as Liberty Prairie Foundation to create the current non-profit, which is run by Executive Director Karen Wilkes.

The organization describes the Living Laboratory as "a unique family-friendly farm experience to inspire connection, care and curiosity."

Click below to RSVP if you would like to attend the ribbon cutting.


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