Participation by Young Community Members is Crucial to Elevating the Issue
Enabling those facing food insecurity to obtain greater access to healthy, nutritious food is a keystone issue in our efforts to build a better food system.
Speaking only for myself, I'm going to be blunt: I believe it's nothing short of criminal that anyone should want for food in a nation of such wealth, and in which so much of that wealth is accumulated in the hands of the few. The fact that there is so much hunger in America should shock the conscience.
While we need more adults to become more aware of and more engaged on this issue, it is also crucial, for the future, to encourage young people to engage as well. That is the subject of the latest contribution from University of Illinois Extension and UI Health. Please read — and share — the following content produced by Bianca Bautista of UI Extension Cook County as part of the Eat.Move.Save program
