ReGen Brands Coalition Currently Has 31 Brands with Regenerative Certifications

When the topic of regenerative agriculture pops up, most people tend to think about fresh food items — produce, meats, freshly milled grains — grown using practices that promote soil health while reducing farming's impact on global climate changes.
But in a era when many busy consumers put a priority on convenience, the number of prepared and packaged products that bear a regenerative certification is growing. Growing so much that — according to an article published by Colorado-based New Hope Network — a trade association for regenerative brands has been launched.
The article lays out how Regen Brands Coalition came into being. It quotes co-founder Anthony Corsaro on his personal journey: "Once you feel the difference about what you put in your body and go to some of these regenerative farms, see the difference of the ecology and functioning of a regenerative farm versus a conventional farm, you just can't look away.”
To qualify for membership, brands must have at least one product that has achieved regenerative certification from organizations such as Regenerative by A Greener World, Ethos, Regenerative Verified, Soil and Climate Initiative (previously called Soil Carbon Initiative), Demeter Biodynamic Certification, as well as Whole Foods Market’s regenerative assessment.
Click the button below to access the full New Hope Network article
As a side note, Local Food Forum will be addressing the rising consumer demand for better-for-people-and-the-planet consumer packaged goods to highlight products that deserve your attention. This is not at all a stretch for me, as I have worked with such brands for years, first as an employee of the non-profit formerly known as FamilyFarmed and currently as a contractor for the Naturally Chicago non-profit organization, both of which collaborate with and promote brands that make healthy and sustainable products.