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  • Writer's pictureBob Benenson

Regenerative Ag Films Beget Online Ed Courses from Kiss the Ground

Non-Profit Behind "Kiss the Ground" and "Common Ground" Films Digs Deeper

The documentary films Kiss the Ground (released in 2020) and Common Ground (released in 2023) have made major contributions to increasing public understanding of the benefits of regenerative agriculture in improving soil health, addressing climate change and building a more resilient and sustainable food system.

Both of these films were driven by the Kiss the Ground non-profit organization, headquartered in Los Angeles, which was founded in 2013 when the term "regenerative agriculture" had not yet come into common usage.

Having already played a teaching role through the movies, Kiss the Ground is now rolling out a formal online education program for stakeholders who want to dig deeper into this important topic.

According to an article published recently by New Hope Network — the leading national news platform for the natural products industry — Kiss the Ground Co-Founder Finian Makepeace said, "We are shifting to assisting companies to become more participatory in the regenerative agriculture space,” he said. “They have counted on us for media, but now we can work directly with stakeholders to educate them directly.”

The course takes Kiss the Ground a step beyond its existing Soil Advocacy Program, which according to the article has produced 5,000 graduates. The new version is greatly condensed — 90 minutes compared to the nine hours of the Soil Advocacy Program — which the creators believe will make it even more attractive to stakeholders who have a strong interest in regenerative agriculture but could not afford that much time to an online learning experience.

The series was informally launched last week at New Hope Network's Newtopia Now conference in Denver. (New Hope is headquartered in nearby Boulder, Colorado.)

Click the first button to learn more about the Kiss the Ground organization and the second to read the New Hope article about its new course offering.


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