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  • Writer's pictureBob Benenson

Women in Agriculture On-Farm Event Coming Up on August 29

Learning and Networking Experience on Rosewood Farm in suburban Sugar Grove

Local Food Forum is a strong supporter of diversity in local agriculture, and we're happy to share the info about this Women in Agriculture event that is scheduled for Thursday, August 29. The event will take place at Rosewood Farm, 600 Prairie St. in the outer western suburb of Sugar Grove.

The event is organized by the Kane-DuPage Soil & Water Conservation District. Here is how they describe the event.


Calling all women currently working an agricultural operation or planning (even dreaming) of starting one! This educational series will feature speakers from all aspects of farming ~ you tell us who you want to hear from!

Network with other female landowners/operators, share experiences and offer support. Light refreshments will be served.

Speaker: Stacy Zuber, Research Data Scientist, Illinois Soybean Association

Kickoff Topic: Soil Health & Conservation Practices

This event is made possible by a generous grant contributions from American Farmland Trust and Kane County Farmland Protection.


The event is free but registration is required.


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