The Mini-Doc Sums Up Sebastian White's Work More Than Just Words Can Say
The Evolved Network is a Chicago non-profit that works to improve the lives of underprivileged youths through cooking lessons, food education and farm-to-table experiences. I first connected with its founder, Chef Sebastian White, two years ago, and Local Food Forum has published numerous articles about his work and his series of events presented to support that work.
But if the old saying is true that a picture is worth a thousand words, then the beautiful video above, just released by The Evolved Network, speaks volumes about Sebastian's visionary efforts to instill confidence, creativity, and the benefits of teamwork in students, most of whom have grown up in circumstances that provide limited choices.
The video features testimonials from leading lights in Chicago's culinary community and other thought leaders who have rallied around Sebastian and The Evolved Network. Its cinematography will warm the hearts of those (I'm one of them) who love Chicago in general and its amazing community of advocates for a better food system in particular. There are scenes of Sebastian providing cooking lessons to students, some of whom appear on camera to discuss what the program has done for them.
Most importantly, Sebastian explains the origins of The Evolved Network and the philosophy behind it.
Please click the image at the top to watch the video. Chances are it will make your day.
Also, the video debuted on Monday (October 21) at The Evolved Network's big annual fundraising event, Eat and Evolve, held at eden restaurant in Chicago's Avondale neighborhood. My full report will take a little time, and I think this video is too important to wait.