A new series of occasional photo tours of one of Chicago's true beauty spots

Photo by Bob Benenson
While promoting better food system is my second career and first passion, I'm not all food, all the time. I have a lot of interest, including photography in general (nearly all of the photos in Local Food Forum are mine), and nature photography in particular.
Not everyone realizes what an amazing natural environment surrounds us here in Chicago, so I've occasionally popped pictures of the local fauna and flora into the Local Food Forum newsletter on Substack. With the launch of this website, with its unlimited capacity, I've concluded that it is a better place to share.
Yes, this has nothing to do with food, but better-for-the-planet is one of the pillars of Local Food Forum, and these photos are just little pieces of what we're working and fighting for.
Like many of my nature photos, these were taken at North Pond, a bird sanctuary (and a Bob sanctuary) in Chicago's Lincoln Park. I am honored that the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, adjacent to the pond, is exhibiting my nature photography taken right there through October.
I hope you enjoy.

Photo by Bob Benenson

Photo by Bob Benenson

Photo by Bob Benenson

Photo by Bob Benenson

Photo by Bob Benenson

Photo by Bob Benenson

Along with the birds and beasts and flowers and trees, North Pond also provides one of the most beautiful vistas of the downtown skyline. Photo by Bob Benenson