To Paraphrase a Seinfeld Line, The Lake Was Angry That Day, My Friends

Before I proceed with my story, I want to express my sympathies and concerns to those in the southern U.S. who were directly impacted by monster Hurricane Helene. The scenes of destruction coming out of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and elsewhere are truly horrifying.
Way up here in Chicago, we are rarely troubled by tropical weather, but — depending on the storm's path — we can catch a bit of the outer bands. This happened last Friday (September 27) as strong winds pushed big waves onto our Lake Michigan shoreline.
This event was comparable to two other windstorms that occurred not long after we moved to Chicago in 2011. These were the outer bands of Hurricane Sandy, which wreaked havoc over the mid-Atlantic coast in late October 2012, and another full-on easterly gale almost exactly two years later.
Yet this wasn't the only expression of nature's majesty on Friday, as we had a spectacular multi-color sky show at sunset. This was sort of a sneak preview as in a few days, the sunsets will move to the south side of our apartment building and we'll be able to watch the sun set from our living room for the ensuing six months.

Here are some more photos of nature's power and beauty taken on Friday.
